My journey to better postural health began in 2022.

During the Pandemic I spent months in bed, depressed, curled up in a ball like a shrimp, endlessly doom scrolling to distract myself from how terrible I really felt.

At the time, I had no interest in taking care of myself. My physical health was quickly declining and I began experiencing very alarming symptoms.

Once these symptoms became chronically unbearable, I finally started contemplating how on earth I could reverse the years worth of damage.

I knew it all came down to restoring the strength, mobility, flexibility in my neck and shoulders, as well as releasing the years worth of built up tension from constantly distracting myself from my emotions.

It certainly didn’t happen overnight, but I wanted to prioritize my postural health.

I began to cultivate a daily ritual that was slowly but surely eliminating all of my chronic symptoms. This improved my physical appearance, and gave me the confidence to not only continue to be more consistent, but to also start sharing what has helped me so much with others who are experiencing exact same struggles I had.

Thus my Postural Improvement Routine was Born!

It has been a joy sharing this with the world as I truly believe that our postural health needs to be a conscious priority. Especially now in this new digital age.

I would like to disclose that I came up with this routine as a way to improve my own postural health. While I’m excited to share it with you, I am not a registered medical professional and make no claims that it will heal any medical issues.

If you have any prior medical conditions, you should consult your doctor before doing any of the stretches in the routine.

If you feel any severe pains or discomforts while doing the Postural Improvement Routine, you should stop doing them.

I hope this mystical routine transforms your life just as much as it did mine!