Frequently asked questions.

How do I change my Email address?

I have had many questions with people asking how to change their email address, we all type fast and accidentally add an extra letter here or there. Several have had issues logging in because of a mistyped email address when signing up for The Mystical Experience, so here is a step by step guide to fix the issue.

1) Login using your incorrect (misspelled) email and your password.

2) Click on Account in the upper left-hand dropdown menu.

3) Click on Account Settings at the bottom of your screen.

4) Click Profile

5) Click Email where you will be prompted to enter a new email address. Make any necessary changes.

How long will I have access to the routines?

Once you purchase any routine from The Mystical Experience, you will have complete access indefinitely.

How long before I see results?

Generally, results can be noticed within two weeks to a month, but it greatly depends on where you are starting from.

Will there be any other videos or routines on other parts of the body?

YES! I am currently working on a new routine and will regularly be adding free and paid content to The Mystical Experience members area. I eventually want to have routines that cover all areas of the body, yoga videos, meditations, breathing exercises, and so much more!

Do you offer any live virtual classes or one on one support sessions?

I am considering making one on one zoom sessions available for anyone who needs any extra help or support with the routine. Watch the website for any updates.

Can I do the routine with pre-existing medical conditions in my neck area?

Like any workout or physical activity, anyone with a pre-existing medical condition should consult their physician or physical therapist before beginning any new exercises.

What if I experience pain or discomfort?

There might be some slight discomfort when you start a new routine as you are activating muscle groups that may have been largely ignored and unused. If you have severe pain or discomfort, you should stop the routine.

Are there refunds?

There are no refunds for digital products at this time. If there are problems accessing the content with your account, you can reset passwords and fix incorrect emails through the mystical experience portal or by contacting me with further issues.

Is there an Age limit?

Absolutely not! While I started doing this routine in my early 20’s, people of all ages have found success with the 15 minute postural routine!