Welcome to the Face Routine Bundle!

Below are 4 videos!

  1. Prepping The Body (OPTIONAL, but highly recommended! )

Here we are releasing tension that may exist in the muscles of our chest, neck, and scalp before we go into working with the face!

2. Face Workout Routine

This is the face HIIT routine! Here we are strengthening the muscles of the scalp, face, and neck to plump, lift, and produce an abundance of collagen in the face!

3. Post Workout Massage

This is a quick tutorial on releasing tension / soreness that could result from working the cheek muscles! Once you’ve watched this video once and understand its contents, you won’t need to return to it unless a refresher is needed!

4. Face Yoga Routine

This is the face yoga routine! Here we are relaxing the muscles of our face and neck with gentle touch and massage! Go slow and breathe with deep intention!