Day 7 is a special day for me, as today is my Birthday!

So I felt called to make this meditation practice a bit longer and have it be centered around a concept that i’ve found to be the most profound and powerful.

Many of us have often heard..

“ To feel better you ““inhale the good stuff in’’ and “exhale the bad stuff out””

While this method can improve how you feel temporarily, it disempowers us. It portrays this idea that we are incapable of doing anything WITH our very real negative emotions and thought patterns other than just take them out of the body and fill ourselves up with positivity from outside of us.

Today I want you to try the opposite approach!

Set a Timer for 30 Minutes, then think about something that has been burdening yourself lately

Once You’ve found that thing, on a deep inhale, visualize taking it into your body fully, straight into you heart.

Scary right?

No need to be scared.

The heart was made for this. Inside our heart only love can survive. Anything taken into our heart is instantly transmuted into its origin of pure love.

Hold your breath for a few moments imagining these burdens whirling and twirling in your powerful heart.

Our heart is quite literally alchemizing anything that is not a match to itself.

THEN as you exhale, take all that love that’s been created in your heart and bring it outwards from inside of you.

Do this over and over, with different things that have been burdening you.

Maybe try lifting the burdens of a loved one by taking their pain into your heart and doing the same thing.

Transmute it into love then on an exhale, give them that alchemized energy back to them.

The more you do this you can start growing from your loved ones, to your whole family, your work/school, your state, even the whole world.

This is by far the most profound Meditation I have ever done in my life and it leaves me feeling incredibly empowered knowing that whatever comes my way, my heart can transform it into love!


Day Six


Day Eight